Nov 10, 2010

Forgotten Places - Lost Circus [FINAL]

Discover the origin of an inexplicable existence with Forgotten Places - Lost Circus, an eerie and unsettling search for answers. Obsessed by dreams of a mysterious circus, Joy opens her eyes to tears each night with a feeling that waking up is the real nightmare. Why are these recurring visions troubling her and why does she sense such a strong connection to a place that she has never been before?

Thanks to TAC-CM ;]


  1. thanks for all this games but is your blog closed or maybe you do not have time any more. I ask you the question because I like your blog and I look forward to seeing new games

  2. I am back...
    After a big accident...
    And I am ready to blog more for the lost time...
    Sorry for beeing off so much ;)

  3. sorry for your accident, hope you're ok and very happy you're back your blog is so good :)
